Holland Quaestor

About us

What does the sector association do
Without being exhaustive, what does Holland Quaestor do in practice? HQ responds on behalf of its members to legislative proposals, public consultations of ministries and to existing and announced policies. In addition, Holland Quaestor makes proposals on how the requirements and criteria imposed can be implemented more effectively, expediently and efficiently in practice.

Furthermore, Holland Quaestor is an interlocutor for many, including non-members. The industry association has regular consultations with primary stakeholders, such as the regulator DNB. Holland Quaestor also actively pursues dialogue with other sectors, industry associations, investigative bodies and invites stakeholders to offices to show who we are and what we do. We show how the trust sector, as part of the financial chain, fulfils its societal role of gatekeeper and what trust offices contribute to the Netherlands in financial and economic terms. In this way, we also show what activities the trust sector plays a role for, what investments in the Netherlands, in Europe, in developing countries and elsewhere come about with the help of trust offices in their role as valued, trusted and expert advisers.

What does the trade association do for members
Needless to say, Holland Quaestor is supportive of its members. Through Holland Quaestor's Compliance Platform, members exchange knowledge and experiences. Formats, views and guidelines are also created and shared. These are public and we welcome their use by others. 

Holland Quaestor guidelines are regularly updated (practice what you preach). HQ considers it essential for its members to have things in order internally and thus meet the requirements and obligations imposed. Members learn from each other by taking each other along on issues of concern from regulator DNB, among others. And we discuss areas for improvement from internal audits with each other. By having a dialogue with each other about risks and risk appetite, we can continue to fulfil our role as an honourable, independent, reliable, sustainable and professional partner in the financial sector.

For young professionals at trust offices - up to 35 years old - Young Trust has been created. A platform where future decision-makers can get to know each other, exchange views and get to know the trust world better. Young Trust helps our members recruit new employees, by spreading the word about what working for a trust office entails.

Knowledge of HQ

HQ is partly a content platform and actively fills standards for the industry. Among other things, by drafting and publishing Guidelines. This creates frameworks for members and allows them to better fulfil legal requirements and criteria. HQ is considered a thought leader and is supportive of its members.

HQ about us

The trust sector provides over 2,500 direct jobs (Netherlands).


About 85 market players with about 135 licences, of which 15 are HQ members with a total of 55 Wtt licences.


HQ members represent over 75% of volume within the sector.


Of the largest 15 market players, 12 are members of HQ.

“The taxes which companies pay are a contribution to society and subject them to the letter, objective and purport of tax legislation.”

Tax Integrity Committee


Prinses Margrietplantsoen 33
2595 AM The Hague

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